Harmesh Uppal

Full-stack developer with over 14 years experience in PHP and JavaScript

Location: West Midlands, UK



  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Node.js
  • Java


  • Vue.js
  • React
  • Angular
  • TailwindCSS


  • Laravel
  • Wordpress
  • Express.js
  • Symfony


  • Amazon AWS
  • Docker
  • Linux
  • PHPUnit

Work Experience

Full Stack Developer

  • Main resposibility is working on a system used by advisors to sell insurance to customers
  • All backend work is done on Laravel and for frontend Vue.js / Typescipt is used
  • Worked on projects such as adding medical insurance, Vue 3 upgrade and Brevo integration
  • Work is conducted in weekly sprints using Jira

Software Developer

  • Majority of work has been on the seat planner app built in a custom PHP framework
  • Worked on a laravel REST API to centralise school data
  • Developed Angular frontend school apps which interact with API
  • Built an Android / iOS homework web app using Ionic framework
  • Recently switched to Java as school payment apps are built with it

PHP Developer

  • Worked on the House repairs PHP system which provides services to multiple clients
  • Developed a REST API in PHP using Laravel to modernise and migrate functionality off of the legacy system
  • Trained in and worked with C# and Angular to support other apps

Senior Developer

  • Developed a Laravel API to manage data, also included API testing
  • Worked on a high traffic tracking server built with the Silex PHP framework
  • Worked with both Scrum and Kanban
  • Been on-call outside of work hours to maintain uptime of servers

Web Developer

  • Built and migrated features to a new Laravel API to replace the previous one built in NodeJS and Express
  • Worked on Drupal PHP modules for the company's ticketing system and company portal

Software Developer

  • Worked on PHP e-commerce and backend management systems
  • Also worked on an in-store BackboneJS SPA app providing phone deals